Can Hearing Aids Help Prevent Age-Related Mental Decline?

Many feel that hearing loss is a natural part of aging.

This is understandable. After all, at least one in four adults over the age of 65 will have hearing problems. Hearing loss also affects one in two people over the age of 75.

However, not enough older adults use hearing aids. Some don’t notice that they are developing hearing damage. Others believe that hearing aids can’t make much of a difference.

This choice leads to widespread social isolation. There are also health consequences you should consider. Using hearing aids can help you prevent age-related mental decline.

How Hearing Aids Help

Studies show that there is a connection between hearing loss and mental decline. But why are these conditions linked? How does our hearing preserve our cognitive health?

Here are some of the ways that hearing aids can prevent age-related mental decline.

  • Hearing Aids Can Help Preserve Brain Plasticity

Plasticity is your brain’s ability to change and adapt.

As we age, change becomes more difficult. This leads to mental decline. Hence, learning new skills can help keep your mind sharp.

But hearing aids can also help a great deal. After all, listening requires a lot of mental work. If you neglect to get a hearing aid, your brain will not get its usual workout.

  • Hearing Aids Can Also Preserve Your Verbal Skills

People with untreated hearing loss tend to talk less. This leads to a loss of vocabulary and decreased brain activity.

  • They Also Keep You Mentally Engaged

Isolation leads to losing valuable connections.

However, it also has an effect on your brain health. If you don’t interact with people, your brain has less new data to work with. This leads to decline.

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